by LEE ADAMS | Jun 4, 2022
Masonic Coins: Meaning, Value, and Symbolism
Today’s Freemasons have a rich history dating back to guilds of stonemasons and cathedral builders of Medieval Britain. Though much of this group is shrouded in secrecy, it’s a form of a fraternal organization that regulates the qualifications and characteristics of members. Rich in symbolism, one of the ways Freemason’s express recognition is through masonic coins.
So much more than keepsakes, masonic coins serve a higher purpose. These coins have been used for centuries to identify members as well as represent the many different lodges across the world. In this guide, we’ll explore the world of masonic coins, including their meaning, value, and symbolism.

What Are Masonic Coins?
First, what is a masonic coin and how does it differ from other custom, collectible coins? These are believed to date back to the 18th century. During the 1700s, Freemasons carried unique coins as a way to prove they were members of their fraternal group. As more lodges appeared across the globe, these became even more distinct to identify different regions and groups.
With that in mind, what are masonic coins used for? A mason coin can be used for any of the following purposes, depending on its unique design:
- Celebratory: Celebration masonic coins honor a specific member, lodge, or event. Custom Masonic lodge coins serve this purpose, and they’re a unique token of service.
- Initiation: Similarly, initiation masonic coins identify when a Brother was initiated to a specific order.
- Mark mason token: Also known as a penny, this is the specific mason coin that marks a pivotal moment in the initiation process.
- Currency: Believe it or not, there is also a masonic coin currency. While the masonic coin value can be determined by the specific lodge, one family in England minted the first and only masonic currency in history. During the 1790s, this was accepted as a legal form of currency.
Ultimately, masonic coins represent the values of the Freemasons. This fraternal order is based on several important ideals, like chivalry, equality, and liberty. Because members are expected to be active, upstanding members of their communities, coins honor their special dedication to service.
What Do Masonic Coin Symbols Mean?
Speaking of values, the symbolism of masonic coins reflects the vast values and characteristics of Freemasons. These symbols might appear unusual to outsiders, but they’re rich in history and meaning. Though each lodge might have its own unique symbols, here are some of the ones you might encounter the most often:
- Square and compass: Likely the most recognizable symbol of the Freemasons, the square and compass is a reminder to make one’s actions just while understanding your unique role in the vast universe.
- The letter G: Similarly, the letter G is often found alongside the square and compass. Some think this refers to geometry and mathematical lessons, while others see it as a reminder of God’s presence in our lives.
- All-seeing eye: Freemasons must remember that the Higher Power is all-seeing and all-knowing. God himself watches over all.
- Apron and gloves: Next, Freemasons must lead with their pure hearts and keep their hands clean of any sins.
- Ashlars: Some masonic coins also have ashlars. This is a symbol of the contrast between man’s natural state and the perfection of the Higher Power.
- Level: Additionally, the level reminds us that everyone is equal before the Higher Power.
- HTWSSTKS: Because there isn’t much space for lengthy statements on these coins, you’ll commonly see this abbreviation which refers to the Mark Master Degree. This can be interpreted in different ways, but the words themselves stand for “Hiram, Tyrian, Widow’s Son, Sent to King Soloman.” The story of King Solomon is an important part of Freemason’s study.

Vintage masonic coins might have their own meanings, some of which aren’t known to outsiders. As you can see, masonic coin meanings are diverse and purposeful. Designed to signal core values and characteristics, there is a story each coin tells to its beholder.
What’s the Value of Masonic Coins?
Another common question about masonic coins is whether they hold much value. The short answer is yes, in many cases. Because they’re powerful symbols, they represent the history and characteristics of each lodge. Many of these coins, like the 1904 masonic coin, are considered valued collectibles.
Freemasons particularly have a longing to uncover the truth of the past. Discovering knowledge is one of the core values. Receiving coins as a Freemason member is a high honor, but it also preserves valued history. A quick internet search shows how varied resale values are amongst rare masonic coins, but the value is also in its secrecy.

Masonic challenge coins are carried by lodge members, and they’re a way to enhance morale. Over time, these gain value in themselves. However, they’re worth much more by way of symbolism, togetherness, and comradery. Custom Masonic lodge coins hold special meaning for recipients, and they become a family heirloom worth passing through generations.
Most Freemasons consider masonic coins priceless in value. To outsiders, they’re a glimpse into a secretive and revered fraternal order. To members, they’re a reminder of how far the organization has come over time. Signifying pivotal parts of initiation, rites, and moving up in ranks, there’s a good reason these coins are so coveted.
Design Your Own Masonic Challenge Coin
Finally, it’s never been easier to design your own masonic challenge coin. Whether you need a custom design or you have one in mind, this represents your unique bond as a lodge. Most masonic coins are 1.5” to 1.75” in size, but they can vary depending on your wishes. Using tried and true enameling techniques, only the highest quality coins are carried and exchanged amongst Freemasons.
As an organization built with service and high values in mind, Emblemholics understands the unique requirements of Freemason coins. Contact our professional, experienced team today to create a masonic coin designed specifically for your lodge or group. Each coin is made special, honoring your own history of service.

by LEE ADAMS | Dec 3, 2020
COVID-19 is one of the worst health crises of all time. Since its emergence in December last year in Asia, the virus has spread across all continents except Antarctica. Until now, there are still people being infected and millions of lives come to an end at the hands of this deadly disease. Authorities had no choice but to impose several restrictions such as traveling and social gatherings worldwide in order to slow down the widespread.
One thing about the pandemic is that it has proved to be more than a health crisis because of its biting socio-economic impacts on those who have been affected (Liu et al., 2020). At the same time, the current COVID-19 pandemic has feigned all of the social aspects of life including political, and economic issues (Bruining et al., 2020). Many people have had the experience of dealing with the challenges and opportunities of working at home. For others, it has been a significant brawl due to the restrictions imposed by government officials to limit movement as a way of promoting safe practices. For some, it has been utter devastation with no hope. Some people and authorities do not know when normalcy will return. On a larger scale, small state islands whose economies significantly depend upon tourism have empty hotels and beaches that are deserted. This effect has tended to harm these countries in both social and economic aspects. COVID-19 also changed education systems globally. For one, remote classrooms are already on a roll. Teachers had to adapt to improvising as they learned how to teach their students online. At the same time, parents or guardians had to share the struggle as they have to guide their children through homeschooling or online schooling.
Token of Heroism
The pandemic has seemingly revealed instances of heroism by the emergence of individuals who have been providing ways of assisting those adversely affected by the virus (Sarzi-Puttini, 2020). In many instances, healthcare workers such as nurses, doctors, and other hospital staff are trying to sacrifice their time and lives in many ways. These actions are meant to help cater to the needs of those who have been affected by the virus. These actions have also helped to curb its spread worldwide. At the same time, other personnel such as transport authorities and workers, food vendors, and members of various security forces have also lent a helping hand. They do partner up with health care workers in offering their services which are essential in people’s daily lives as well as in protecting themselves. (Wójcik & Ioannou, 2020).
Even during this period of COVID-19, human nature still subsists- love, gratitude, and appreciation. For this reason, a different organizations such as community-based organizations and authorities around the world have been extending these to healthcare workers and other people for their significant dedication towards fighting the spread of COVID-19. To recognize their efforts, many individuals have resorted to the trend of “Custom Coin Challenges. “These coins are one of the ways of showing gratitude and appreciation to healthcare and essential workers. Hence, in support, many organizations and individuals have been ordering these challenge coins.
The COVID-19 challenge coins can be put in the pocket or in places to remind others that there are people who sacrifice their time and effort and care for everyone who needs their help. For those on the other end, healthcare workers may be reminded that there are still people who are willing to support them in their battle against this virus.
On an entirely different angle, the COVID-19 challenge coins also give homage to people who have been doing their part in preventing the spread of the virus. It shows appreciation to the companies and organizations that have allowed their employees to work remotely. At the same time, it is seen as a motivation for the workers who are working from their homes. In essence, the challenge coins also acknowledge and promote teamwork among members who may or may not be on the same team (i.e., the parent-teacher tandems who work with the common goal of ensuring proper education for the children). At the same time, it signifies that every person on this planet should unify to fight against the global health crisis.
While these COVID-19 challenge coins are named as such and are paid by various agents, individuals, and organizational entities, they are not, in any way official nor can they be used as a form of payment anywhere. However, the challenge coins may historically be featured as collectible pieces of recognition and appreciation. This aspect applies to those who fought to mitigate the spread of the virus and even sacrificed their lives. It is also memorabilia for everyone on how this pandemic has affected social lives around the world, and how significant challenges arose that hinder everyone from living their lives in normalcy.
However, these challenge coins are not without controversies. Since these usually undertake some delivery processes, there are concerns about whether or not it may promote the spread of the very virus that these healthcare workers are trying to curb. The manufacturers have already addressed these vexes are not something to truly be worried about. They have assured the public that the manufacturing and shipping processes involved follow stringent COVID-19-compliant laws and policies. They have reported partnering with top shipping companies that practice utmost care in package deliveries, and safety. These couriers offer surgical masks, sanitizers, and alcohol wipes both to their team members and vendors who come in contact with the packages.
In essence, the production of the challenge coins not only aims to honor healthcare workers and those who are part of the essential labors, but some had also put up fundraisers for them. The Emergency Medical Services (EMS), for one, is known for its dominant and relenting roles in transporting and giving first aids to people during emergencies. In honor of their departed comrades, one EMS organization has prepared fundraising activity by selling custom-designed challenge coins where each one retails for $30. Through the help of Facebook fan pages, they have spread the word about their campaigns and raise some funds by selling these coins to pay homage to some of their fallen brothers. The program concluded with the donation of the proceeds to the National Emergency Medical Services Memorial Services (NEMS).

Undoubtedly, the unsung heroes during this times are the healthcare workers. These group of health professionals who chose to continue providing quality healthcare to save others while risking their own lives. These people whose jobs and responsibilities extend further on patient care just to make room for all the people who need their services. Truly, not only the doctors and nurses but all the hospital staffs deserve to be appreciated and recognized. Without these modern-day heroes, there would be likely downfall of humanity.
The significance of the COVID-19 Challenge Coins in motivating the healthcare workers was undeniably apparent. These challenge coins have been used to help build team morale, strengthen support, and display exceptionality for healthcare workers who have shown immense sacrifices in decreasing the spread of the deadly virus. Furthermore, the COVID-19 Challenge Coins have been used to demonstrate a sense of pride and also a way of inspiring others into adopting togetherness.
Contact Embleholics for Quality Custom Coins
As what the team of Embleholics always say “challenge coins are a great way of providing others with something they will cherish their entire career and even after.” Embleholics is always ready to create challenge coins specifically designed for healthcare workers to show support and gratitude for them.
by LEE ADAMS | Jan 24, 2018
Northwest Territorial Mint has long been one of largest producers of custom challenge coins in the United States. Unlike many challenge coin companies, which are run entirely by foreign owners in China or elsewhere, Northwest Territorial Mint hired and was run by Americans, just like Embleholics is. Unfortunately, what few people knew was that they were, in fact, a dishonest and fraudulent challenge coin company, one which stole the investments of numerous people. Embleholics is not like this, and we welcome the opportunity to earn the trust and business of any past customer who worked with Northwest Territorial Mint.
Among the activities that Northwest Territorial Mint engaged in were defrauding customers of their bullion, by claiming that customers’ bullion was stored at their facilities. In fact, no such storage existed, and any storage lockers were empty. Although Embleholics does not sell or otherwise engage in the trade of bullion, we are founded on the foremost ethical principles instilled in us by our time in the armed forces and are proudly a make challenge coins with integrity and excellence. With each customer we work with, whether we have worked with them on challenge coins before, or if they have come to us from other kinds of companies after having a poor experience, challenge coin companies such as Northwest Territorial Mint, we strive to bring a happy result to the challenge coins we make.
Our goal at Embleholics is to be the foremost, most trustworthy producer of custom challenge coins while being one of the few owned and run entirely by veterans, and service-connected veterans. When we heard about Northwest Territorial Mint and their situation, we knew that we wanted to reach out in the hopes that others see there are still people out there who are passionate and care greatly about making awesome challenge coins for our customers.
In addition to how we treat our customers, Embleholics also believe firmly in giving back to and support our community, something that other American challenge coin companies, Northwest Territorial Mint in particular but and others, clearly are not committed to. For example, every year, we donate 10% of our profits to helping local organizations in Washington, generally non-profits that support the well-being of veterans and military members. We have also committed to hiring only veterans, which we believe as someone who makes customs challenge coins, makes absolute sense given that challenge coins are a military tradition. No other challenge coin company, and especially not Northwest Territorial Mint, can make this claim. Embleholics simply is the only challenge coin company in existence that is comprised 100% of veterans.
Embleholics’ veteran team is extremely proud of our military pasts, the ethical values the military instilled within us, and our support of veteran organizations that give back to helping our brothers and sisters in need. When we work with a customer, Embleholics’ work is rooted first and foremost in these ethical values, particularly in treating every person fairly, operating with honesty and integrity and most of all, not stealing people’s money!
If you are like us, you may have been disappointed by the American challenge coin companies out there. We certainly were, and we also disappointed that some of the biggest, such as Northwest Territorial Mint, SimbaCal and our prices are almost always able to beat their prices. When you work with Embleholics on your challenge coins, you get personalized service since we are a small company. We are able to offer a great deal of flexibility in what we can do and what we can make for you, including highly customized challenge coins in all shapes, sizes, or functions. We will never market ourselves dishonestly like other challenge coin companies have, and will always do our very best to provide you with a product you’ll be proud to show off and have for years to come.
And best of all, you know that when working with Embleholics, you are supporting a veteran-owned business, and disabled veterans at that, in making a military tradition continue. When working with Embleholics instead of Northwest Territorial Mint on your challenge coins, the proceeds from our work together go 100% towards supporting the livelihoods of veterans through both employment and through our continued financial support of organizations that strive to improve military and veteran lives as well. No other challenge coin company does this, not Northwest Territorial Mint nobody.
Work with us today by filling out our quote form! Your work with us goes fully towards supporting the well-being of veterans rather than a corrupt Executive who cares for nothing except making an easy profit off of you. We guarantee our quality, and we guarantee your satisfaction when working with us! And best of all, you can feel assured that in a year, 3 years, or even 10 years down the road, we’ll still be here, ready to work with you once again on your next project, to make your coins shine! Break the mold with Embleholics!
by LEE ADAMS | Sep 5, 2017
Helping Design 100 Year Celebration Commemorative Products
Embleholics often gets tasked with larger projects for our customers that include producing challenge coins, lapel pins, and other promotional products that include their logos and designs. Often customers representing bigger organizations will want multiple products to celebrate their event. Our customers want these types of products as a group because companies and organizations often don’t have products that are high quality and unique that their customers want, or that represents the company to improve marketing. They also request a number of commemorative products for an event that they are celebrating.
When it came to designing a series or products for our customer we wanted to include the same theme on all the products to keep it simple but also express the same brand concept and design concepts that were important to this particular customer. We took their old logos and revamped them to be more clear and sharp. We then took that same design and modified it to include their 100 years celebration which allowed us to make them the custom lapel pins and challenge coins that they needed. We were also able to take that same custom enamel pins design and turn it into a custom keychains design which provided our customer even more options for products to give out.
Commemorative coins are a great option to give out to customers or to provide as an award to your employees. Commemorative coins have been used as an affordable way to provide your team something that will be collected and celebrated and extend your brand to customers who may have not originally been interested in your company. Think of them as highly sought out and permanent business cards for your customers. Commemorative coins are also something that people will keep for years, unlike business cards which are often thrown away or forgotten about. Embleholics even has its own business coin commemorative coin that it gives out to VIP customers and to those who have helped us out in the past.
Another important part of your commemorative coins are how professionally they represent your organization. Embleholics has created 1000’s of challenge coins and so you know that your challenge coins are in good hands with us.
Commemorative coins are great to:
- Give out to VIP customers
- Award employees for a great job done
- Expand your brand
- Collect and trade with others
Embleholics also makes custom keychains and lapel pins for our customers. We are able to take any logo or design and handcraft a keychain or lapel pin that is 3D, high quality, and which will represent your company or organization with pride. The great thing about custom lapel pins and keychains is that they are often less expensive than commemorative coins and are easier for people to wear or show off, expanding your brand’s reach even more. They require less artwork as well because of the one sided design that is required on the products. This makes it so that you can easily put more on one side of the product without having to worry about creating something and filling in space for both sides.
With these particular keychains and custom enamel pins the customer was extremely happy with how they turned out. The custom keychains were very solidly built and hefty, while the lapel pins had a ribbon shape that was hard to achieve but which was exactly what the customer was looking for.
Lapel Pins and Keychains are great because they:
- Are less expensive than commemorative coins
- Require less artwork
- Are easy to show off and expand your brand
Make Great Products With Us
Embleholics is excited and ready to work with your team in making great commemorative products. We make amazing challenge coins, custom business cards, custom bottle openers, keychains, lapel pins and much more. If you have an idea that we haven’t made yet, we would still be glad to work with you on making something great. We look forward to hearing from you and making you your next selection of promotional products or commemorative products that push your brand to the next level.
by LEE ADAMS | Jun 21, 2017

Delta Air Lines Honoring Veterans
It takes creativity and some motivated veterans to make something special to help honor veterans’ service on Veterans Day. Every year, Delta Air Lines honors their 30,000 veteran employees and recognizes them for the service they’ve given to our country. Each Delta station does something different, and in 2017 Embleholics worked with two veterans at Delta Air Lines SEATAC station to create something unique and memorable to hand out to their SEATAC veterans at a banquet this year. 
The front of the coin represents Delta Air Lines, with their logo emblazoned in the center and air wings, similar to military air wing symbols, surrounding their logo. The air wings and logo are both 3-d.

The back of the coin highlights all military branches, representing all of the armed forces Delta Air Lines veterans have served in. Behind the branch symbol is a waving American Flag, symbolizing our great country and the reason all people serve in the military.
Why Challenge Coins?
Challenge coins are the perfect way to honor veterans for their service, and since veterans have had and continue to have a massive impact in virtually every company out there, challenge coins can help any organization or business corporation honor their veterans. Even aside from veterans, challenge coins help memorialize events, people, or projects within your organization. Challenge coins are a lasting memento that employees and clients will be sure to treasure and will serve as a long-lasting reminder for years to come.
Get started making your own challenge coins today with Embleholics professional team of veterans.
by LEE ADAMS | Apr 1, 2016
World Motor Sports Breast Cancer Foundation
Recently we helped create a challenge coin for a non-profit organization called the World Motor Sports Breast Cancer Foundation. Having a long name is not the only thing that this organization does well. They also help people bring awareness and also money to helping stop breast cancer. Motor sports enthusiasts are avid about helping people and this organization does that well.
The foundation is based on the motor sports industry and they travel around with their awesome custom cars and community that is made of great people. They attend drag races, car shows, motorcycle expos, truck shows, NASCAR style events, Moto Cross events, H1 hydroplane events, and parades with their custom truck. Overall you may see them at one of the events you attend in the future.
You can also go to their website to learn more about their program and what they are doing.
He made the World Motor Sports Breast Cancer Foundation to bring awareness to breast cancer and to save those who have it. He is an excellent human being who has gone out of his way and dedicated his time to a positive cause in the world.
Embleholics wanted to support this organization as they had reached out to us to make them a challenge coin. Rather than charge them the full price we offered them an at production price option which saved them a lot of money. We cant always donate coins to everyone who needs help or would like to raise money for their events, but we can support non-profits by doing the work for free. With that they can use the extra money that we would normally make off the profits and use it for their fundraising.
If you are an organization that would like some challenge coins made and represent a non-profit, we would be glad to work with you. We can’t grantee that we can supply our service for free for everyone who contacts us, but we will do our best to help out your foundation or organization in some way. We care about our community and are here to help when at all possible.