DLA Energy Custom Challenge Coin

DLA Energy Custom Challenge Coin

DLA Energy Challenge Coin

Fueling Passion

This customer requested a challenge coin from us that would represent various fuelers in the military. They are often called Grapes because of their love of purple colors and because personnel are represented by purple on their uniforms while on the flight deck.  When we made this coin we wanted to make sure to include items that would best present the fuel and the different commands involved in the success of the military and its fuel program. The fuel is represented by a 3D fuel can image, while the commands are represented in fine, pain-staking detail to make sure it looks accurate to the actual command’s images. As you can see, we are capable to getting a very fine level of detail on our coins.

On the back we worked with the customer to creatively represent the command, using an image of a map of the Earth’s eastern hemisphere, an object blasting off from the location of the headquarters in Germany, and the command’s patch. A diamond edge cut rounds out the coin’s design for the front and back.

Embleholics has worked with every imaginable group, unit, and department in the military. As this coin shows, a coin can look excellent and very nice without using a fancy cutout shape. Coins can have 3D aspects or not, can use any number of painted parts–we have had coins with over 20 colors before–and any other number of customizable features. Just contact us today and we will get started on your amazing challenge coin design.



Finished Coin Front

DLA Energy Custom Challenge Coin front

Finished Coin Back

DLA Energy Custom Challenge Coin Back

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Mason Coin – Challenge Coin

Mason Coin – Challenge Coin

Mason Coins

As you may have guessed, Embleholics has designed and delivered dozens of Mason challenge coins. There is not a type of challenge coin we haven’t done. With this particular coin, we see the lodge’s name, number some important symbols, the date they were established, and other important details on the front.

On the back, we see a fine rendering of a diagonal view of the lodge’s building, a rendering that turned out quite excellent looking. Our rendering was highly accurate and detailed, as they almost always are, and the customer was happy with how they turned out.

This coin highlights several common aspects seen in Mason challenge coins–the lodge name and number, symbols, and dates. The building adds an excellent touch to this. If you are looking for ideas for a Mason challenge coin, this is an excellent example to begin brainstorming. This coin features an antique gold finish and, unlike most coins we do, does not have any painted elements. Although paint can add a nice element and looks good for most cases, a purely metal finish coin can look incredibly well-refined, smooth, clean, and highly detailed in a way that may not be fully realized with paint. In this same way, we can achieve a greater level of detail for buildings than we could with paint.

Another aspect to Mason coins are the symbology, and we are happy to let you know that Embleholics has an excellent track record of meeting the highly detailed needs Masons have when representing their symbols on any kind of medium.

Finished Coin Front

mason coins front

Finished Coin Back

mason coins back

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Bottle Opener Challenge Coin

Bottle Opener Challenge Coin

Bottle Opener Challenge Coin 

We at Embleholics love beer, just like most people in the Navy, and so when we were tasked by a Chief’s Mess to make a coin that highlighted both the Navy and an appreciation for beer, we were very happy. What we produced was a coin that any fan of beer would appreciate.

On the front of this coin we have a beer stein, with elements of it highlighted artistically throughout, the silver giving off the appearance of condensation and the glass, while delicious looking beer rises to the top with foam included. A Chief’s symbol centers the stein.

On the back of this bottle opener coin, the purpose behind the coin is highlighted: an award to newly minted Chief Petty Officers.

This coin shows many things, among which are a creative use of space to create a bottle opener. Although it makes perfect sense, it’s actually quite a creative idea given that not many people have made coins like this. Looking at images of challenge coins can help stir the juices, and we can help you make the perfect bottle opener coin.

Although Embleholics cannot and will not reuse any of the artwork from previous coins, a critical piece of the design process is to look around and see what others have come up with, particularly if you don’t consider yourself to be that creative. After you have found some ideas, piece together what you like using symbols, words, or parts of other coins, and send it to us and we will make a mockup unique to you!

Finished Coin Front

bottle opener challenge coin chief mug front

Finished Coin Back

bottle opener challenge coin chief mug back

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Navy Chiefs Challenge Coins

Navy Chiefs Challenge Coins

Deck Plate Challenge Coin

Navy Chiefs Birthday Ball

As you might have guessed, we have made a ton of challenge coins, and seen even more. The need and purpose behind each challenge coin is unique and varies depending on level of professionalism needed, who will be receiving them, etc. However, there are a number of features that can go into the challenge coin making process that many people don’t think about or know are possible. One of these features is the texture on the background of a coin, such as is seen in this deckplate challenge coin, which features not one but two different textures.

On the front we see a look and texture that is as close to real-looking wood as is likely possible on a coin. The contoured lines look and feel like actual wood, even with knots in parts of the wood. The font style of the lettering on the front even fits very well with the style of the background, as does the artistic rendering of a Chief’s anchors.

On the back, it’s as though there is a completely different style. Whereas the front seems more casual and collegial, the back evokes professionalism and seriousness. With a huge number of the Navy’s decks covered in this certain cross-diamond pattern, we worked with this customer to create an excellent looking deckplate challenge coin which, aside from looking nice, doubles as symbolism for Navy Chief’s, who are deckplate leaders.

Finished Coin Front
deck plate challenge coin Front
Finished Coin Back
deck plate challenge coin back

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Lucid Talisman Copper Custom Coins

Lucid Talisman Copper Custom Coins

Lucid Dreaming Coin

The Lucid Talisman

This talisman was of a personal nature for Embleholics, as it displays some ideas very important to us and the practice of lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is an event in which you seem to be awake, yet also dreaming. It is different from a normal dream in that, in a lucid dream, you are able to direct and exert control over your dream in a way that you can’t in a normal dream–where you are unconscious and the dream takes you wherever it goes. In this way, it also seems like you are awake; yet you are lying still. The catch, however, is that it can be hard to tell you are actually in a lucid dream rather than a regular dream. In order to differentiate, people interested in dream studies look for an anchor that helps them know they are dreaming, a lucid dream, but not awake. This is known as a lucid dream talisman, one of the finest copper custom coins that can be found anywhere.

As a project for a dream studies professional, and as something we ourselves are interested in as a tool to explore our inner self, we wanted this coin to be very meaningful for anyone interested in these ideas. In this way, our lucid dreaming talisman is similar to our mason coin or military coins, in which the symbology behind them are critically important to get right.

Although we won’t go into all of the details on this, this lucid dreaming talisman is created like a true coin, with each side opposite of yet a reflection of the other side. One side is oriented towards being awake, with the sun and English and Latin words in a unique script asking, “Are You Awake?” Various other detail symbolism and script decorates the rest of the front. On the front, the roots of two trees, perhaps each The Tree of Life, wrap around an eye, symbolizing nighttime. “Are You Dreaming?” reflects the other side’s awake theme.

Although most coins use either a gold or silver finish of some kind, this coin used a copper finish, with the foreground parts being copper and popping out more, the recessed parts appearing more silver but still copper. Copper custom coins can look extremely attractive in the right setting, the antique kind in particular.

In every way this coin was designed to fill all empty spaces and fully express the idea for which it was created. Not only is it an anchor, but people who received it used it as an everyday tool to increase mindfulness and help them reach lucid dreaming states.

Challenge Coin Artwork

Copper Custom Coins

Finished Coin Front

Copper Custom Coins Front

Finished Coin Back

challenge coin

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