by LEE ADAMS | Mar 12, 2024
Challenge coins are large coins that are custom-made for the military, firefighters, law enforcement, and other organizations. These coins can be cast or struck with military unit emblems, special artwork, and typically commemorate membership of a particular organization or to acknowledge an achievement.
Usually, the coins feature intricate designs with the organization’s symbol, name, or emblem on one side and intricate artwork on the reverse.

The history of challenge coins is shrouded in mystery. Some historians claim challenge coins go as far back as the Roman Empire. Most modern origin stories, however, date modern challenge coins to World War I, when military pilots had medallions associated with their squadron. If a combat pilot was downed in battle, that coin could serve as a crucial piece of life-saving identification to friendly forces.
What Are Challenge Coins Used For?
Nowadays, challenge coins aren’t just used to identify military personnel. These coins represent belonging and camaraderie. They can also represent gratitude for exemplary service to an organization or community, making them just as important to civilians.
The value of challenge coins relates to the significance people place on their membership within a particular organization. Groups that issue challenge coins include units throughout the military, police departments, fire stations, and Masonic temples. The coins represent the belonging and duty the team members share for each other and their common goals.
In addition, challenge coins can be given as a special reward or to recognize a professional achievement.
The purpose of challenge coins depends on the organization. Some treat challenge coins as tokens of membership. Others use challenge coins as a reward or thank you to outsiders for their hard work and contributions. Regardless, challenge coins mean a lot to those who hold them.
When members of these organizations get together, they often pull a “coin check” — where someone throws their challenge coin on the bar and everyone has to produce their own coin. Each organization typically has it’s own challenge coin rules.
What Does It Mean If Someone Gives You Their Challenge Coin?
A challenge coin, especially one given from a high-ranking person to someone of a lower rank, is a great honor. Think of it as an informal reward. Challenge coins are always meaningful, but coming from a superior, they become invaluable.
If you’re a military service member, you might receive a challenge coin from your unit commander for being a part of the unit, or for a special achievement. Unit commanders often have special coins cast in order to give out to their subordinates — typically contracting with a company like Embleholics to create custom artwork and molds.
What makes the reward “informal” is that there is not supposed to be any ceremony when someone gives a challenge coin. It is typically given surreptitiously in a handshake. You may have seen the President of the United States slip a coin in his hand before shaking hands with a military official (though this is usually only evident to those in the know or by watching a video replay with commentary alerting the viewer to the transaction). This is a high honor from the Commander-in-Chief to a lower-ranking military member. What is a challenge coin?
It’s a special moment for the recipient, who just received a surreptitious reward hidden in a handshake.

What Are Military Challenge Coins?
The United States Military is where the challenge coin tradition really caught on. It was popularized after World War I. In the military, challenge coins are very significant. Typically, new members of a unit don’t receive a challenge coin unless they’ve been on deployment or achieved something above their peers. It has to be earned.
This makes military challenge coins very valuable rewards, and challenging other service members with your coin (a “coin check”) is just as much about brotherhood as bragging rights. When someone challenges you, not only do you need to produce a coin — but you’ll be asked about the story behind it, who gave it to you, and what it represents.

It’s a way of opening the conversation between people with similar experiences who might have difficulty talking about it. It’s a chance to share in the remembrance of service to your country and unit. And it’s a way to bond.
What Are Police Challenge Coins?
Because of the close ties between the military and law enforcement agencies, it’s unsurprising that challenge coins have also become a tradition among police officers. Challenge coins are also common with federal law enforcement agencies like the FBI and the Secret Service.
Large municipal police departments, including the New York City Police Department, have also started their own challenge coin traditions. Police challenge coins serve the same purpose as their military counterparts: fostering connections between fellow officers, and rewarding service.
What Are Firefighter Challenge Coins?
Many fire departments have also developed traditions around challenge coins. Different fire stations within the same district will try to one-up each other in a friendly competition to create the best design for their crew’s challenge coin. The coins represent the trust and belonging shared between fire department members.
Firefighter challenge coins represent camaraderie, and showcase an individuals membership of that fire station. Firefighters also challenge each other with their coins in the same way military members do.

What Are Masonic Coins?
Masonry is a significant part of many Americans’ lives. Masonic lodges are steeped in symbolism and brotherhood, so it makes sense that the challenge coin custom would be embraced.

The meaning behind Masonic challenge coins is often evident in their design. Many Masonic coins feature symbols important to them and their organization, such as the square and compass.
Other Types of Challenge Coins
What are challenge coins outside of the military? It’s well known that sports leagues like the NFL and NHL like to honor veterans and military with appreciation events or special nights at the stadium. Teams will often give out special items to attendees or specifically to veterans at their events. This is a simple, ideal way of honoring veterans, which also makes sense given the military and veteran connection with challenge coins. We worked with the Dallas Mavericks to create a coin for them, with their logos and symbols honoring each branch. We made a similar looking coin for the University of Washington as well.

Business Challenge Coins
We find that any sector that a large number of veterans means challenge coins will follow as well. Although veterans tend to go work in government after the military, many do go into business either at corporations or as self-starters like ourselves.
With businesses, the tried and seemingly still true method of leaving a client with your contact information is a business card. But the business card just gets thrown out by almost everyone, or lost in the stack of hundreds of other business cards people have sitting in drawers and collecting dust.
For the modern business, we are selling challenge coins as great ways to leave a mark on an organization’s most important clients. Such coins typically include the company logo and any associated logo, along with their name, important symbols, and other important ideas. For example, we made a coin for a wealth management firm that featured a stock market bull and bear, while an insurance company made a coin to give out to their truck drivers, serving a useful purpose by helping to remind their truck drivers to drive safe.
We have also made several coins for SpaceX and the aerospace industry, featuring extremely creative scenes of rockets lifting off into space, rockets being built, and rockets heading to Mars even!

Smaller companies can also make coins and would typically include contact information such as a phone number or email address, a website, and anything else important to what they do. We have made such coins for even seemingly unexpected businesses like a concrete company and also have our own massive Embleholics coin we give out to all of our customers.
Work With Embleholics
Now that you know the facts, if anyone ever asks you, “What are challenge coins?” send this article their way. Whatever organization you are a part of, challenge coins can be a wonderful way to build a sense of togetherness. Maybe you can create a new tradition for your team! The professionals at Embleholics are ready to help.
We believe that a military tradition like challenge coins should remain closely tied to the military and veteran community, not only in order to make sure new challenge coins keep the tradition with them, but also because we believe something so closely tied with the military should also support the livelihoods of former military members.
Many companies out there employ foreigners or are otherwise not affiliated with the military or being a veteran. We employ only veterans and primarily veterans with service-connected disabilities. We value the ability to work with veterans and strive to improve veterans’ lives as part of everything we do.
At Embleholics, we create custom challenge coins for the military, law enforcement, firefighters, Masons, and more. We are committed to producing high-quality products; we know these coins represent pride in your organization, so we ensure they are designed and created with precision and care.
Contact the passionate team at Embleholics today for a free quote.
by LEE ADAMS | Nov 21, 2022
Police Coins: Meaning, Value, and Symbolism
The word ‘Police’ originated from the Greek word ‘Polis,’ meaning ‘City.’ It indicates that ancient police officers were individuals of the City to the limited extent that they existed as a distinct body. Police are typically responsible for sustaining public order and safety, enforcing the law, and preventing, detecting, and investigating criminal activities.
One of the ways people pay tribute to the police officers who have given their lives to protect our communities is by rewarding them with a challenge coin. Like in the military, first responders, such as police officers or paramedics, also preserve the tradition of challenge coins. The coins represent anything from a small unit to the offices of top leaders, and there are also coins made for special events, anniversaries, and even nonmilitary leaders.
What Are Police Coins?
A police challenge coin is a small coin or medallion conveying a police department’s insignia or emblem and carried by the officers in the force. Traditionally, they might be given to prove membership when challenged and to enhance morale, and also to honor and remember the sacrifices of those officers who gave their lives in the line of serving and protecting the public.
Depending on its unique design, a police coin can be used for any of the following purposes:
Celebratory: Challenge coins are usually made to honor a specific member of a police force, department, or station. And also to honor a person for a special achievement.
Initiation: Coins are also awarded to police officers initiated to a specific unit, department, or station.
Honor the Fallen: There are many times that challenge coins were produced to honor the police officers who are fallen in the line of duty.
Throughout their service, police officers use the coins to prove their allegiance when challenged. High-ranking officers and retirees often display a collection of coins in their offices alongside uniform patches and ribbons as a symbol of pride. The coins have always been purely about morale and commitment.

What Do Police Coin Symbols Mean?
We can see a lot of graphics and image similarities on a police challenge coin. It’s because most of them show police badges and insignias, and most of them refer to the original police officer badge. Police badges date back to medieval times when knights wore a coat of arms representing their allegiances and loyalty. It is perhaps the most visible and recognizable symbol of policing worldwide.
Here are some graphic symbols that are commonly shown on a police challenge coin:
– Police Badge: The police badge, which usually looks like a metal shield, represents honor and integrity.
– City’s Seal: The seal of a city or a town on a police coin symbolizes the community the police officers protect and serve.
– The Color Blue: Blue epitomizes the “thin blue line,” a term that typically refers to the concept of the police as the line which keeps society from descending into violent chaos.
– Star: The star symbolizes authority with which all police officers are more or less invested. In the middle of the points and center of the star is a blue field. The points are gold, which signifies the position under which they serve.
Although a law enforcement badge which is normally shown on a challenge coin, may seem like only a simple portrayal of position and authority, it symbolizes the police officers’ dedication to sacrificing’s one safety to assist others. It is a symbol and a promise to uphold the best interests of their community within their position.

What’s the Value of Police Coins?
Police challenge coins are often considered to be priceless in value to those that receive them. A police officer who is rewarded with a challenge coin knows the real value of it. It surpasses any material value because it represents honor and brotherhood.
With each specially designed and produced coin, every police officer knows that they belong to that one community that has the same passion, dedication, and responsibility.
Collectible police or law enforcement coins can sell for thousands of dollars or as little as ninety-nine cents. The significant range in value between these coins depends on various determining factors that are also used to assess other kinds of collectible items, such as rarity, significance, condition, sentimental value, and design.
Design Your Own Police Challenge Coin
You’ll be amazed at how easy it is to design and produce your police challenge coin. Whether you need a custom design or have one in mind, we will do our best to produce your police coin with the highest quality your budget can afford. Most police coins are 1.5” to 1.75” in size, but they can vary depending on your wishes. We designed and manufactured only the highest quality coins, using tried and true enameling techniques,
As an organization built with service and high values in mind, Embleholics understands the unique requirements of police coins. Contact our professional, experienced team today to create a police coin designed specifically for your lodge or group. Each coin is made special, honoring your history of service.
by LEE ADAMS | Nov 21, 2022
Where are Custom Challenge Coins made? Nowadays, most of the Challenge Coins produced and sold worldwide are made overseas, such as in China, but many challenge coins are still manufactured in the USA by American craftsmen.
Coin Minting History in the USA
According to Britannica, the first state mint was presumably established by an Anatolian people, the Lydians, in the 7th century BC. The Greeks of the Aegean Islands soon followed their example, and the art spread into Italy and other Mediterranean countries, as well as to Persia and India. The Romans, who probably began coining in the 4th century BC, laid the foundations of modern minting.
Coining originated independently in China in the 7th century BC and spread into Japan and Korea. In medieval Europe, mints proliferated as commerce revived, and every feudal authority—kings, counts, bishops, and free cities—exercised the mint privilege; there were more than 50 mints in 13th-century France alone. The result was a wide variation in coinage that often handicapped commerce. In the 16th century, mints were set up by the Spaniards in South America and Mexico to coin the gold and silver mined there.
There have been eight coinage mints in operation at various times in the United States. Of these, only four were active in the late 20th century. The mint in Philadelphia, Pa., was founded in 1792 and still produces most of the coins used in daily circulation in the United States. The mint in Denver, Colo., founded in 1906, also produces general coinage. The mint in San Francisco, Calif., founded in 1854, discontinued making general coinage in 1955; but it was re-established in 1965 to make proof sets of coins for collectors. The mint at West Point, N.Y., is now used primarily for gold minting. These mints are under the direction of the U.S. Mint, a branch of the Department of the Treasury.
Traced back to the 1800s, there are many private coin-minting workshops and facilities established throughout the United States to produce personalized & custom coins. Many of them are still operating, while there are also new factories built over the years.

How is a Custom Challenge Coin made?
The big steps in the coin manufacturing process are:
- Creating a Custom Coin Mold
- Die (Coin Mold) Striking
- Cutting the Edge and Deburring the Coins
- Custom Metal Plating and Color Filling
- Laser Engraving and Quality Control
How are USA-made Challenge Coins different from Overseas-made ones?
In quality, challenge coins made in the USA and overseas don’t have much difference. It just comes down to the requirements, specifications, and budget of the customer. Typically, USA-made challenge coins take longer to produce and are more expensive than regular overseas coins because they are considered deluxe crafts and manufactured by a few American union laborers at some boutique metal fabricating establishments.
So, USA-made challenge coins may cost more than the regular ones, but you will be paying for the skill and expertise of the select few American artists and craftsmen who have spent thousands of hours honing their skills in the custom coin-making industry.
American-made coins may have different customization options than regular overseas ones and are subject to change based on the material and workshop availability. For example, US coin factories may not have a specific translucent finish or color. Still, they could craft coins from precious materials such as gold, silver, or even platinum, rather than just ordinary brass-plated metal.

Where are USA-made Challenge Coins manufactured?
Many US-based Custom & Challenge Coins mint facilities throughout the country can be found over the internet, with experiences ranging from years to decades. You can find them online since most of them have e-stores or also have collaborated with some custom coin online shops and producers. They usually have their address shown on their shops or websites if you would like to order your custom coin in person and check out the facility yourself.
by LEE ADAMS | Sep 19, 2022
Personalized Custom Keychain Examples and Ideas
Keychains are a part of your daily routine. They’re more than a fashion statement—they’re a practical way to hold onto the things that matter to you. Custom keychains are a valuable way to promote your business, club, organization, or a special message. Not only does this keep your message top of mind, but it’s also a fun way to personalize your daily routine.
However, with so many custom keychains to choose from, where do you begin? Personalized keychains are highly in-demand, but do you know where to find custom keychains that are the right fit for you? In this guide, we’ll explore the vast world of personalized custom keychains so you can see the best keychain examples and ideas.
Why Use Custom Keychains?
First, what’s the benefit of custom keychains? While you might have spotted a few personalized keychains out and about in your own life, what makes these so special? Everyone needs a keychain to keep organized. Unlike plain keychains and keyrings, a custom keychain offers something extra special.
Whether you’re a business owner, marketer, or organization leader, there are a lot of reasons to consider custom personalized keychains. For instance:
- Utility: Unlike other freebies, personalized custom keychains are high-value, practical items. You can add extras to your keychains that make life easier, like clips, badge holders, and more.
- Branding: Like other promotional materials, a custom keychain also helps you communicate your brand’s message. For example, a pet-shaped keychain could be perfect for promoting your pet rescue facility.
- Inexpensive: It’s more affordable than you think to make a custom keychain, especially when you choose a competitive provider like Embleholics.
- Loyalty: Most importantly, you can build brand loyalty. According to the marketing Rule of 7, the average customer needs 7 interactions with your business to make a purchase. This means staying top-of-mind is the key to long-term loyalty.
Now that you understand why custom keychains are so powerful, let’s explore the best personalized custom keychain examples. These examples below feature the many unique ways you can use a custom keychain design, as well as how to promote your organization.
1. Bottle Opener Keychains
One of the most popular types of keychains is the classic bottle opener. We can all relate to needing a bottle opener for all types of different drinks. Having one handy on your keychain makes all the difference. Not only is this type of keychain useful, but it comes with a lot of different personalization options.
A bottle opener keychain can sometimes serve other purposes as well, like a functional phone stand or a small knife. It’s one of the most utility-focused keychain options, and it still leaves plenty of space for custom branding.
2. Dog Tag Keychains
Next, a dog tag keychain is another classic option that’s easy to personalize. Using metal, your dog tag can include a special engraving, message, or photo. These can be used to honor a special relationship, commemorate an event, or celebrate an occasion. As a milestone marker, these dog tag keychains can’t be beaten.
Unlike other types of keychains, these are built to last. Like dog tags found in the military, these are designed to hold up for a long time. Sturdy in the face of wear-and-tear, you’re sure to love these just as much as your clients do.

3. Cutout Keychains
Third, a cutout keychain is exactly what it sounds like. This is a type of keychain that’s been cut out of metal, creating a unique design. Eye-catching and attractive, these are best if you have intricate artwork in mind. Not sure what design works best for you? You can always work with a team of experts to design something special.
A custom keychain is only as powerful as your design. The more unique your cutout, the more likely you’ll create something memorable and special. This is the definition of thinking outside the box!
4. Heavy Coin Keychains
At Embleholics, one of our first custom keychains was for a special heavy coin keychains. These weighed over 2 ounces, making something truly memorable and meaningful. Commissioned with any special coin, metalwork, or design, this is something that doesn’t shy away from holding the weight of your day.
Designed for brands and organizations that value heavier metals, there’s a lot you can do with heavy coin keychains. Perfect for celebrating a milestone, recognizing an emblem, or sharing achievements, this might be the right fit for you.
5. Flashlight Keychain
Last but not least, another amazing custom keychain idea is to build your keychain into a flashlight. This is a great promotional product that’s guaranteed to be put to good use. Who doesn’t always need a flashlight handy? For both safety and practicality, this puts the keychain to work in a new way.
An LED flashlight is an affordable add-on for many existing keychain designs, and it also increases the visibility of your messaging. Why not shine a light on your best customers or members?
Give Back to Your Members, Employees, or Customers
Ultimately, it’s time to keep your keys closer than ever. We all know just how frustrating it is to lose your keys just as you’re trying to get out the door. That’s what makes custom keychains such an important, useful promotional tool. However, just any keychain won’t cut it. You need something customized for your needs.
A personalized custom keychain is designed specifically for your brand or organization. It’s not only a practical way to give back to those who support you, but it leverages existing connections. Make your brand or organization a part of your audience’s daily routine. Not sure where to begin? Contact our team to learn more about building your own custom keychain. You can get a free quote in minutes.
by LEE ADAMS | Aug 4, 2022
What Is A Florian Cross and Its’ Symbolism
If you’ve ever looked closely at a local fire department’s symbolism and design, you’ve likely spotted the Florian Cross yourself. This is an ancient symbol, and it’s got deep roots in Christianity. Today, the Florian Cross or St. Florian Cross is an emblem that symbolizes the firefighting departments across the globe.
Like other symbols you still see today, the Florian or Firefighter Cross has a lot of history behind it. Some of this history is debated, and that’s why it’s important to understand the significance behind this visual for yourself. A symbol of the firefighting brotherhood and loyalty, this guide dives deep into what a Florian Cross is as well as its unique symbolism.
History of the Florian Cross
First, what’s the history of the Florian Cross? Also known as the St. Florian Cross, this image is named after St. Florian, a patron saint in Christianity. Born in around 250 AD, he was a member of the Roman army. Though he was supposed to persecute all Christians in his area, he didn’t carry out these orders. Because of his failure to follow commands, he was sentenced to death by fire.
While on the funeral pyre, Florian challenged the Roman soldiers lighting his death by saying, “If you do, I will climb to heaven on the flames.” Because of this, they decided to drown him. Later, his body was buried by Christians at the Augustian monastery. Since then, St. Florian has been invoked against fire. He became the patron saint of all those who fights fires.

The symbol of the St. Florian Cross is an eight-pointed star with rounded edges. Firefighters today still wear this emblem as a form of protection and camaraderie. St. Florian as a saint, is seen as the protector from both fire and floods, thanks to his unpleasant death.
What Is the Meaning of the St. Florian Cross?
Now that you know the history behind the Florian Cross, what does this symbol mean? It’s possible to read a lot of different meanings behind this cross. There is no single answer that’s superior, and it’s up to those that wear the emblem to decide their own favorite meaning. Here are some of the values it represents:
- Protection: Above all, this is a symbol of protection. Not only is the saint a protector, but those who wear this emblem are prepared to save others even if it means laying down their own lives.
- Courage: St. Florian represents the courage to do the right thing, even if it’s intimidating.
- Loyalty: This is a cross that represents loyalty to oneself, one’s community, and the brotherhood of other firefighters.
- Honesty: St. Florian was clear, upfront, and honest. This is an important value.
- Sympathy: The patron saint himself was sympathetic to others, especially those in need.
- Dexterity: Lastly, the St. Florian cross symbolizes the physical ability to do things well.
It takes a lot of skills to be a firefighter. Not only is this a tiresome job, but you have to face scary situations without much certainty. Just as St. Florian refused to harm others even if it meant his own death, firefighters continue to follow in his brave footsteps. It’s this rich symbolism behind the Florian Cross that makes it such a powerful symbol.
Florian Cross Vs. Maltese Cross: Is There a Difference?
With that in mind, what is Maltese Cross Forian, and how does it differ? Both of these crosses have similar designs. The Maltese Cross also has eight points, though these are sharp. Like four arrowheads converging at the center, this is not curved like the Florian Cross. Though they both have eight points, the Florian Cross looks more like a flower while the Maltese Cross appears like a star. Additionally, the Florian Cross is older than the Maltese Cross.

During the Christian Crusades, the Knights Hospitaller used the Maltese Cross as a special emblem of protection. Today, both are symbols of firefighting. While St. Florian is depicted with a bucket in his hand putting out a burning fire, the Maltese cross has similar significance. For example, the Knights who fought against the Saracens in the Crusades often battled firebombs. They risked their lives bravely for others, connecting them with today’s firemen.
Where Will You See the Florian Cross Today?
Can you still see the Florian Cross today? This is a common gift, not only for firefighters but for anyone who feels compelled to overcome adversity. Now that you’re familiar with what this emblem looks like, odds are you’ll begin to notice it in the world around you. Here are some common examples:
- Coins: Florian Cross coins are far from uncommon, and they’re usually found amongst firefighters. They’re given as gifts, symbols of protection, and a way to say “thank you for your service.”
- Keychain: As a keychain design, the Florian Cross is a beautiful testament to one’s service and commitment to others. Why not hold your favorite symbols close each day?
- Pin: Many people collect pins, both new and old. The Florian Cross pin is a way to honor anyone who’s served others, particularly public service workers.
- Necklace: While Florian Cross jewelry isn’t super common, you will see necklaces with this type of pendant. These are a masculine way to honor your fellow brothers and sisters in service, as well as keep yourself safe while invoking the patron saint.
- Gear: Finally, firefighter gear like technical gloves, flashlights, and more often has the firefighter emblem on it. All of these tools have to be approved by the NFPA to withstand a certain level of heat.

Ultimately, there are no rules about who can or cannot wear a St. Florian Cross. Many firefighters choose to wear this cross, but it’s not exclusive to firefighters. In general, firefighters and those who choose to wear this cross should always represent the values of the symbol while wearing it. This includes courteous, kind behavior. Have you worn the St. Florian Cross? If so, what does it mean to you?
by LEE ADAMS | Jun 8, 2022
Firefighter Coins: Meaning, Value, and Symbolism
Firefighters, also called Fireman or Firewoman, is one of the oldest professions in history. The first organized firefighters began in ancient Rome under the rule of Emperor Augustus, and prior to that, people found evidence of fire-fighting in ancient Egypt and ancient Greek. Throughout history, firefighters are always played an important role in the life of any community and nation.
And one of the ways people honor these brave people is by rewarding them with a challenge coin. A challenge coin is an exclusively designed coin that represents an organization or occasion. Being given a challenge coin symbolizes companionship or unity and proves membership of a certain group, as well as honoring the actions of those who receive them.

What Are Firefighter Coins?
As a firefighter, having a challenge coin awarded is one of the greatest honors you can receive from the people you work with, fellow firefighters, or your commander from the Fire Department and Fire Station. These memorial pieces of metal are given to firefighters for going above and beyond in the line of duty.
What is the function of a firefighter challenge coin? A firefighter coin can be used for any of the following purposes, depending on its exclusive design:
Celebratory: Celebration firefighter coins honor a specific member of a brigade, department, or station. And also to celebrate an event in which they participate.
Initiation: Similarly, initiation firefighter coins distinguish when a fireman or firewoman was initiated to a specific brigade, department, or station.
The role of a firefighter challenge coin extends far beyond merely acclaiming an achievement or an event. Those who receive them may find themselves part of an exceptional community, and they represent unity amongst those who hold them.
What Do Firefighter Coin Symbols Mean?
There are some graphic representations that we can find on a firefighter coin. The symbolism of firefighter coins reflects the boundless values and attributes of a firefighter. Here are some symbols that you likely will find on a firefighter coin:
– Maltese Cross: The Maltese Cross is a symbol of protection and a badge of honor. The origin story of this symbol is taken from the Crusade story of the Knights of St. John, who fought the fire-wielding Saracens in the war. The Knights of St. John lived on an island in the Mediterranean Sea named Malta, and the cross came to be known as the Maltese Cross.
– Bugle or Horn: Before people invented the radio, bugles were used to give orders and announcements about fires conveyed. Today, the bugle symbol is on fire department insignia for firefighter leaders.
– The Color Red: Red symbolizes the color of fire, symbolizing the profession that firefighters do. Red is also a glaring and notable color, thus used on firefighter’s trucks because it was known to be the best color to alert people of an incoming, speeding fire truck.
– Badge: Unlike other law enforcement professionals, firefighters are the only ones who can enter the home of citizens without a warrant or express permission. This is because firefighters arrive on the spot during emergencies, and citizens trust firefighters to protect them and their belongings whenever they are needed. The badge symbolizes first responders who will protect and secure a site.
– Firefighter Symbols: On a firefighter insignia, you are likely going to see an image of a ladder, hat, ax, or hydrant. These icons symbolize the scramble and the promise of a firefighter to be prepared to go on a moment’s notice.

Firefighters are most often considered the “bravest” of the first responders, and the images on their insignias represent their heroism, sacrifice, and bravery. The firefighter’s badge or insignia is an ultimate symbol of firefighters who respond in an emergency and protect citizens when in need.
What’s the Value of Firefighter Coins?
Nobody would value a firefighter’s coin the highest than the receiver. It represents the honor that you receive from their community and always has a special place in their hearts.
Every piece of the unique firefighter coin represents a firefighter’s history, legacy, bravery, and sacrifice in the line of duty. Any fire department insignia, from challenge coin to IAFF belt buckle, seal, and collar pin, is built on the same symbolism.
While firefighters will value the challenge coin beyond any currencies, a rare firefighter challenge coin could be worth quite a lot. In 2020, the Royal Australian Mint released a Colored Circulated Coin-in-Card to honor the bravery and sacrifice Australia’s firefighters made during the devastating bushfires of 2019-2020. But some coins were printed with the color “flame” on the wrong side, making them valuable. One of them sold online for more than US$4,000.

Design Your Own Firefighter Challenge Coin
Nowadays, it’s never been easier to design your own firefighter challenge coin. Whether you need a custom design or you have one in mind, we will do our best to produce your firefighter coin with the highest quality your budget can afford. Most firefighter coins are 1.5” to 1.75” in size, but they can vary depending on your wishes. We designed and manufactured only the highest quality coins, using tried and true enameling techniques,
As an organization built with service and high values in mind, Embleholics understands the unique requirements of firefighter coins. Contact our professional, experienced team today to create a masonic coin designed specifically for your lodge or group. Each coin is made special, honoring your own history of service.