True North Tribe Pendant
A pendant, in jewelry, is an ornament suspended from a bracelet, earring, or, especially, a necklace. A necklace is a piece of jewelry that goes around your neck, but a pendant is a small piece of jewelry, such as a heart-shaped diamond in a white gold setting, that can be attached to an anklet, necklace chain, or bracelet.
Pendants are derived from the primitive practice of wearing amulets or talismans around the neck. The practice dates from the Stone Age when pendants consisted of such objects as teeth, stones, and shells. Pendants are among the oldest recorded types of bodily adornment. Stone, shell, pottery, and more perishable materials were used. Ancient Egyptians commonly wore pendants, some shaped like hieroglyphs.
Pendants can have several functions, which may be combined: Award, Identification, Ornamentation, Ostentation, Protection, and Self-affirmation.
This pendant we crafted for True North Tribe was made from metal and painted only with black on some elements. On one side they asked us to put a carved image of a meditating astronaut. And on the other side, they wanted to put the logo of True North Tribe, which has a small pattern of lines as the background.
Make your Necklace Pendant challenge coins with Embleholics, the 100% veteran-owned and operated challenge coin company! Just request a quote from us and we will contact you within 24 hours and get started on your coins.Â
Finished Necklace (Front)

Finished Necklace (Back)

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