Mark 1230 Meadows Coin
Mark 1230 Meadows Coin
The most common challenge coin that we see is either the Military, Law Enforcers, or First Responders challenge coin. But there are many organizations and institutions that also have their own challenge coin to be awarded to their member or community. An example is this religious Christian challenge coin.
A lot of religious groups such as Christian churches, communities, or programs give their members religious challenge coins to strengthen a sensation of acceptance and affiliation within themselves. Religious challenge coins also could be used to point to sacred resources, to help raise social awareness, and to act as a reminder of faith.
This Christian custom challenge coin was commissioned to us and our client requested us to craft an unsophisticated and minimalistic design. They only asked us to put their logo on the front side of the coin, and the words from the Bible verse, Mark 12:30.
Since the design concept was quite straightforward and uncomplicated, we had to make sure that every inscription and graphic engraved perfectly. Before the design goes to our production line, we have a team of experienced designers to make the 2D mock-up of the design so our client can see what the final result looks like.
This coin was layered in a single color, gold, and given a brushed-metal effect to add some texture and depth to the overall design. The result is one elegant monochromatic coin.
Make your Religious challenge coins with Embleholics, the 100% veteran-owned and operated challenge coin company! Just request a quote from us and we will contact you within 24 hours and get started on your coins.
Finished Coin (Front)

Finished Coin (Back)

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