Navy Custom Challenge Coins
We are confident that Embleholics makes the best looking Navy challenge coins available anywhere, and this coin for the Naval Attache unit in Jakarta–just one of several we have done for Naval Attache units–is another highly professional, durable, and high-quality example.
This coin highlights the country of Indonesia, the Indonesian and American flag side by side, some Indonesian language, and the Navy officer crest on the back. A durable epoxy coat seal the center of the back and front in order to make it last as long as possible.
At Embleholics, we have created thousands of different coin designs, each of them custom-designed and tailored specifically to each individual person or organization, with nothing reused from before. We take your art and turn it into something that will look incredible on the final coin design. We have created coins for Chief’s Messes, frigates, destroyers, carriers, fighter squadrons, supply corps departments, every kind of Navy Ball event, and everything large and small in between.
We offer a professional, fast service, oriented not towards us making money and producing as many coins as possible like other companies, but towards giving you as much freedom as possible to get the perfect design. We want you to be happy when the coins arrive in your hands and you give them out to people. Other companies use a formulaic process that doesn’t allow any margin for customization or tailoring a coin to each unique person and organization. Our process is simple–we keep working on your design until you are happy.
Our artists who designed this coin took the idea this customer had, improved the image quality–since quite often images we are provided don’t have great image quality–and added color combinations and styles using their 15 years of artistic experience to ensure the coin not only has all of your symbols and important information on it, but that it also looks beautiful in the final product. This last part is not something many people think about or that nearly any other company offers, but we are able to because of our exclusive artist studio that we work with.
Work with us today and get started on your organization’s coin! We are one of the only veteran owned and operated challenge coin companies out there and we know what it takes to make you some great navy custom challenge coins!
Challenge Coin Artwork

Challenge Coin Final Image

High Detailed Look

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