Navy Chief Challenge Coins

Navy Supply Chiefs

Embleholics has made a number of Navy Chief challenge coins, just a few of which are highlighted on our website. With this design you can see a little bit of the process it can take from a broad idea to narrowing down towards the final design which we produce based on. As you can see with this particular design, which likely included a couple more steps in between what we see here, it changed quite a bit from beginning to end. With the initial design, we can see that there is a lot of empty space on the back which likely was an issue for this customer. The keys also look quite bulky.

After some more revisions, the design narrowed down to a much cleaner and crisp looking design, with the backside in particular being changed significantly in order to fill in the space better and create a better consistency and transition from front to back.

On the front of this coin a goat with Chief’s Khakis on highlights this coin. Goats are a synonymous symbol for a Navy Chief and are commonly found on Navy Chief challenge coins. Lines on the background and a roped edge around only the round inner part of the coin give this coin an extra dynamic and greater depth and detail. On the back we added the same lines/edging along with some waves in our best looking blue paint.

Aside from the great art on the center part of the front and back, the keys, an important symbol of the Navy Supply Corps. The keys have all 3D features and are cut out to perfection in order to look and feel like the actual intended symbol. Overall this turned out to be a great Chief Challenge Coin!


Navy Chief Challenge Coin Made Right!

Embleholics has created thousands of different Chief Challenge Coin designs, including coins for all departments within all branches, and for civil service, corporate, nonprofit, government, and every other type of organization and individual. We make the most incredible looking coins available anywhere, and we welcome the opportunity to work with you and do everything we can to make your Chief Challenge Coin making experience a great one.

Finally, as seen in this coin’s design process, we are about the only company out there that will work with you on your design until it is perfect. So fill out the form below and let’s get started!

Challenge Coin Artwork

Navy Chief Challenge Coin Artwork

Finished Coin

Navy Chief Challenge Coin Finished

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