Navy Captain Challenge Coin

The Captain is a senior commissioned officer’s rank in the United States Navy and is equivalent to the rank of Major in the other Armed Services. Navy captains can hold a variety of high-level leadership positions, including Commander of a Navy cruiser or larger ship. The equivalent rank is Colonel in the United States Army, Air Force, Space Force, and Marine Corps.

In most armies and in some air forces, a captain is the commander of the largest group of soldiers that an officer can be expected to know personally, a company in the infantry, a battery in the artillery, or a flight in the air force. On the sea, a captain is usually the commander of a large warship: A cruiser, battleship, or aircraft carrier in the navy and any sizable ship in the mercantile marine service.

We were asked to manufacture a custom challenge coin that was going to be awarded to a US Navy Captain. They wanted something classic, elegant and luxurious. The design requested was a coin with heavily sculpted graphics on it. On one side we engraved a USN symbol, the twin anchors with a shield over them and an eagle on top of it. And on the other side, we sculpted a beautiful USN Battleship and a couple of submarines.

Make your Navy Captain challenge coins with Embleholics, the 100% veteran-owned and operated challenge coin company! Just request a quote from us and we will contact you within 24 hours and get started on your coins. 

Finished Coin (Front)

navy captain challenge coin front

Finished Coin (Back)

navy captain challenge coin back

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