Navy Captain Challenge Coin
The Captain is a senior commissioned officer’s rank in the United States Navy and is equivalent to the rank of Major in the other Armed Services. Navy captains can hold a variety of high-level leadership positions, including Commander of a Navy cruiser or larger ship. The equivalent rank is Colonel in the United States Army, Air Force, Space Force, and Marine Corps.
In most armies and in some air forces, a captain is the commander of the largest group of soldiers that an officer can be expected to know personally, a company in the infantry, a battery in the artillery, or a flight in the air force. On the sea, a captain is usually the commander of a large warship: A cruiser, battleship, or aircraft carrier in the navy and any sizable ship in the mercantile marine service.
We were asked to manufacture a custom challenge coin that was going to be awarded to a US Navy Captain. They wanted something classic, elegant and luxurious. The design requested was a coin with heavily sculpted graphics on it. On one side we engraved a USN symbol, the twin anchors with a shield over them and an eagle on top of it. And on the other side, we sculpted a beautiful USN Battleship and a couple of submarines.
Make your Navy Captain challenge coins with Embleholics, the 100% veteran-owned and operated challenge coin company! Just request a quote from us and we will contact you within 24 hours and get started on your coins.Â
Finished Coin (Front)

Finished Coin (Back)

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