MSG Detachment Challenge Coin

An MSG (Marine Security Guard) is a part of the Marine Corps Embassy Security Group, whose detachments provide security at American embassies, American consulates, and other official United States Government offices such as one in Shanghai, China. MSGs respond immediately to large and small crises, including demonstrations, bomb threats, fires, nuclear/biological/chemical threats, and facility intrusion attempts.

The primary mission of MSGs is to protect U.S. citizens and property and prevent the compromise of classified U.S. government information. This is accomplished under the guidance and operational control of a civilian federal agent of the Diplomatic Security Service, known as the Regional Security Officer (RSO) who is the senior U.S. law enforcement representative and security attaché at U.S. diplomatic posts around the world.

The MSG Detachment Shanghai commissioned us to create a representable custom challenge coin for them. They didn’t want a common-looking challenge coin, but rather something memorable that could represent both the countries in a stylish way. So the basic concept was to put one side as the USA side, and the other as the Chinese side. Each with different graphics and ornaments to be put in the design. The result was a colorful, distinctive, and pretty challenge coin.

Make your MSG Detachment challenge coins with Embleholics, the 100% veteran-owned and operated challenge coin company! Just request a quote from us and we will contact you within 24 hours and get started on your coins. 

Finished Coin (Front)

msg detachment challenge coin front

Finished Coin (Back)

msg detachment challenge coin back

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