Lucid Dreaming Coin
The Lucid Talisman
This talisman was of a personal nature for Embleholics, as it displays some ideas very important to us and the practice of lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is an event in which you seem to be awake, yet also dreaming. It is different from a normal dream in that, in a lucid dream, you are able to direct and exert control over your dream in a way that you can’t in a normal dream–where you are unconscious and the dream takes you wherever it goes. In this way, it also seems like you are awake; yet you are lying still. The catch, however, is that it can be hard to tell you are actually in a lucid dream rather than a regular dream. In order to differentiate, people interested in dream studies look for an anchor that helps them know they are dreaming, a lucid dream, but not awake. This is known as a lucid dream talisman, one of the finest copper custom coins that can be found anywhere.
As a project for a dream studies professional, and as something we ourselves are interested in as a tool to explore our inner self, we wanted this coin to be very meaningful for anyone interested in these ideas. In this way, our lucid dreaming talisman is similar to our mason coin or military coins, in which the symbology behind them are critically important to get right.
Although we won’t go into all of the details on this, this lucid dreaming talisman is created like a true coin, with each side opposite of yet a reflection of the other side. One side is oriented towards being awake, with the sun and English and Latin words in a unique script asking, “Are You Awake?” Various other detail symbolism and script decorates the rest of the front. On the front, the roots of two trees, perhaps each The Tree of Life, wrap around an eye, symbolizing nighttime. “Are You Dreaming?” reflects the other side’s awake theme.
Although most coins use either a gold or silver finish of some kind, this coin used a copper finish, with the foreground parts being copper and popping out more, the recessed parts appearing more silver but still copper. Copper custom coins can look extremely attractive in the right setting, the antique kind in particular.
In every way this coin was designed to fill all empty spaces and fully express the idea for which it was created. Not only is it an anchor, but people who received it used it as an everyday tool to increase mindfulness and help them reach lucid dreaming states.
Challenge Coin Artwork

Finished Coin Front

Finished Coin Back

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