Army Challenge Coins
Embleholics makes custom Army challenge coins that are unique, designed by professional artists, and are heavy-duty. We take pride in making great coins and in offering the best, most customer-centric customer service on the internet. Our unique process allows our professional challenge coin team to work with you on an individual basis in order to ensure that your coin matches exactly what you want it to become rather than looking generic or mass-produced and formulaic. We don’t have a formula for creating coins, we make them specific to you. Our team will contact you in less than 24 hours and start working on your coins right away.
With this coin, designed for a medical company within the California National Guard, you can see on the front a 3-d textured image of the globe, a bunch of symbols relevant to ratings within Army medical ranks, the unit’s motto, and on the back a medic kneeling over someone wounded. The unit’s leading ranks are also represented. This coin has a number of detailed 3-d elements, which show a small portion of effects we are capable of producing on our finished coins.
As you can see this coin, like all of our coins, came out very crisp and nice looking. The green colors in particular match very well with the gold and silver in the center.
Army Custom Coins Made Right!
Start working with us today and see how you can make some amazing challenge coins. We have made coins for people and organizations around the world, and with that we know what it takes to make great coins. Other companies will outsource their artwork to manufacturers overseas, which in essence means that the quality and aesthetic look of of your coin will be sacrificed in order to save them money. We pay at great expense for our own artists to design our coins, something almost no other company out there does. They simply take your design and send it to a bunch of factory artists overseas whose goals are to pump out artwork as fast as possible with little care for you or your coin. We design all our own artwork with professional artists who have been designing coins and other products for over 15 years. We make our art custom-tailored to each person, as well as our customers coins–nothing is ever reused. And after you complete an order with us, the only person we will give your coin design out to or do reorders for is you or an appointed representative.
Challenge Coin Artwork

Finished Coin Front

Finished Coin Back

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